
вторник, 8 апреля 2014 г.


With the view to come into emerging markets OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY “RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CORPORATION “URALVAGONZAVOD” is constructing in the town of Nizhny Tagil a new up-to-date shop for production of road-building machinery and components. Production equipment for the shop will be supplied by world’s leading manufacturers. Within the period of 2014 - 2015 OJSC “RPC “URALVAGONZAVOD” intends to master the manufacturing process of high-tech innovative road-building machinery and maintenance vehicles using the newly built production line and according to the following product types: wheeled and tracked loaders, excavators, bulldozers, graders, drilling-crane machines, road-rollers. These vehicles are produced by the road-building division of the corporation centered in CHTZ-Uraltrac Ltd.
OJSC “RPC “URALVAGONZAVOD” is increasing the share of road-building equipment and vehicles in its production scope due to the fact that construction transport infrastructure in the territory of the Russian Federation has been intensified greatly. The market for road infrastructure in the Russian Federation is more than $20 billion per year and experts predict that it will double within the period up to 2020.
As a part of the Federal Target Program “Long-term development of road sector within the period up to 2020” 7 thousand kilometers of automobile roads, 2.5 thousand kilometers of railways and to commission 96 airport runways are to be constructed.
The Russian Federation in cooperation with foreign partners is also implementing a number of major international projects, including development of road transport infrastructure. Such projects include construction of high-speed railway lines and a motorway network to be completed in preparation for the World Ice Hockey Championship in 2016 and the World Football Cup in 2018.
OJSC “RPC “URALVAGONZAVOD” expects to reach a whole new level of road-building machinery production and to consolidate activities of research institutes, design bureaus and manufacturing plants in the shortest time possible to realize major infrastructure projects both in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Today the Corporation cooperates with Caterpillar in the area of development of pipe layers and locomotives, with Bombardier company in the area of design and manufacture of metro coaches as well as with Pesa company in the area of production of modern trams.

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