UVZ Corporation initiated a special session at «Transport of Russia — 2012» international forum. At the session Russian and foreign manufacturers together with government representatives and transportation carriers discussed the advantages of rail transport and its development. Flavio Canetti, Senior director of business development department, Bombardier Transportation, spoke about innovative and effective solutions for the Moscow Metro.
He presented the project of a new metro train which is high above the minimum requirements of the tender held for rail cars for the Moscow metro. In particular, wider doors allow loading and unloading passengers more than twice as fast. The new passenger compartment air distribution system creates favourable climate inside the train. The suggested metro train will be produced in Russia by UVZ Corporation using Bombardier technologies. According to Oleg Sienko, CEO of OJSC «Research and Production Corporation «Uralvagonzavod», the same approach will be used when producing modern high speed trams.
Sienko claimed that the look of Moscow for the next 30 years will be re-defined by the modernization of public transportation which is to employ world leading specialists. Presumably, other cities will follow the lead. Another point discussed at the session was programs for freight car market.
Oleg Sienko voiced strategies offered by rolling stock manufacturers and consumers. The strategies could maintain the market and give an impetus for manufacturers and consumers to opt for innovative products. Introducing a new federal program to support demand for rolling stock could be the first step towards there. UVZ leader also spoke against railway cars life extension, because the ones that are used now went out of date and no longer meet operating and safety requirements.
Alexey Tsydenov, Deputy Transport Minister of Russia summarized the session. He noticed that the ministry is focused on the issues of transport infrastructure in urban conglomerates and rail transport development. The government is working on demand stimulation for new generation freight cars.
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